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Annual Meeting to Search Tourism Investment Obstacles in Riyadh Region

Wednesday 09 November 2016

​Tourism Committee in Riyadh Chamber held its first meeting for the 17th session of the Board of Directors . Headed by member of the board Mr. Majed Al-hukair. Also, Eng. Ahmad Alrajhi, Chairman of the Board in Riyadh Chamber, attended the meeting & thanked the members for  joining  the committee which aims to serve the tourism sector & overcome challenges & obstacles. During the meeting, Mr.Mohammad Al-mojil was nominated to be a Vice-Chairman.  The committee included a number of tourism sector representatives as well as subcommittees , that stem from the tourism committee , which are specified as follows : Shelter Committee , the Committee of Commercial Centers, the Committee of Events and Entertainment, the Festival Committee, the Committee of Restaurants. Mr.Al-hukair  stressed on the  eagerness of the committee  to communicate with investors in the tourism sector and to highlight the Committee's work. Besides, the committee welcomes any comment or suggestion facing workers in the sector through communicating with the following  email The Committee recommended the organization of   an annual meeting for investors and those who are interested in the tourism sector. The achievements of the committee in its 16th session  was  presented during the meeting.