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Consultation Offices Sector Complain Unjust Competition

Monday 25 January 2016

A number of investors in the consultation sector ,  have  affirmed  the reality of competition in this particular sector. That it suffers imbalances which are  caused by factors like ,the entrance of government companies and public institutions which were  excepted by the competition application system .

In addition to , consultation offices in universities which practice their commercial activities in the market and offer their services with less expenses ;unlike higher expenses which independent consultation offices endure . Even more,  the domination of foreign companies on the consultation market in the Kingdom . 

It was mentioned in the meeting of consultation offices , organized by RCCI - consultation offices committee   on Monday 1/18/2016  in the presence of Assigned Secretary General of competition  protection council  Dr. Mohmmad Alqassem , that these factors imbalanced  competitiveness  in the market . Also, attendees called for restoring  the balance in the market by equalizing local and foreign consultation offices in terms of practicing more than one activity in consultation services.