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Alzogaibi.. The Pause of Loans is Temporary and We Will Declare Funding Programs that Will be Suitable for Everyone

Tuesday 01 March 2016
​Eng. Yousef Alzogaibi  General Manger of Real Estate Development Fund , revealed that the stop of receiving loan requests ,is temporary in order to organize some arrangements that will contribute in facilitating and allowing more  options  in loans . 

He also clarified that  the Fund will create various programs which will  suit everyone indicating that the current list consists of 425 hundred thousand  applicants and 110 were given the approval to be loaned   . These 110 applicants will undergo procedures according to their needs after studying their cases . Moreover, he mentioned the release of mortgage fund to support real estate funding for those who deserve the support . Also, expenses of funding will be reduced . In addition , the fund will innovate programs and solutions to support real estate funding .
He also added , that urgent loans will be released during the upcoming days. He indicated that  these loans are optional and not obligatory . Also , he confirmed   that  the program will enable   applicants to obtain their loans within five years from the start of creating the Mortgage Fund .