Riyadh Chamber releases an electronic system in order to activate the work of sectorial committees easily . The system aims for developing work in managing meetings of Riyadh Chambers' board of directors and main committees and branches of committees rather than the traditional way .
General Secretary of Riyadh Chamber Dr. Mohammed Alkathiri clarifies that the new system has many advantages : managing and scheduling the work of committees , preparing for meetings of the committees , publishing work schedules, accessibility to meeting minutes , following up with decisions and procedures of the committees , voting for topics electronically , saving time and effort in collecting data , ease of going back to previous committees , ease of searching for committee minutes and attachments . In addition , this system includes an archive of documents , meetings , decisions , resumes of committee members , accessibility to statistical data of committee meetings .
He also indicated that the system allows subscribers in Riyadh Chamber to : view details of events organized by committees , circulars about economic sectors , send their suggestions directly to the committee that represents their sector . Furthermore , it is available as an application for smartphones on IOS and Android platforms to enable users benefit from its services anywhere.
The new system is a result of Riyadh Chambers' effective role in adopting initiatives to develop business sector by facilitating work of committees and to facilitate the Chamber's services .